
The 文理学院 Core Curriculum (Core) provides an innovative common learning experience for all undergraduates in the college. The Core invites students to explore four college-wide themes from multiple disciplinary perspectives and to develop important intellectual skills. 学生每年关注一个主题:环境意识(第一年), 社会及全球意识(第二年), 批判性思维(三年级), 和公民(第四年). 沟通技巧, 定量推理, 批判性思维贯穿整个核心课程. 旨在为文科打下基础, 核心反映了学院的价值观,并为学生的生活做好准备, 深思熟虑的, 在一个复杂多变的社会中积极生活.



所有入学的学生都报名参加 环境问题概论 四(4)学分 实验室科学 课程. 学生 discover science as a process and discuss the role of science and technology in society. The laboratory science 课程 also serves to introduce the scientific method as an approach to knowledge, 同时注入对环境意识问题的考虑.

作为第一年体验的一部分,学生们要选修一门人文学科 探索 课程和随后的人文或社会/行为科学 探索 课程. 这些课程旨在培养学生对引人入胜的学术话题的探究. 每一个 探索 课程介绍了该学科的智力工具, encouraging students to understand the liberal arts as including distinctive ways of understanding. 所有 探索 课程s promote writing as a tool of expression and explicitly teach 批判性思维 skills.



学生通过两种特定类型的课程来理解人类经验: 社会及全球意识 (SGA)和 人类的传统 (HT).

在SGA课程中, 人类的经验是在文化中探索的, 社会, 国家, 以及全球背景. 学生 use perspectives and methods of the social and behavioral sciences to examine human interaction and growth. 学生在第二年完成两门SGA课程.

在HT课程中,人类的经验是在人文学科的传统中进行研究的. 学生 inquire into the rise and fall of civilizations; study works of art and literature; and, 审视哲学, 宗教, 以及塑造了古代文化和现代世界的经济思想. 学生在第二年完成两(2)门HT课程, with one (1) focused on human prehistory to approximately 1500 and the other focused on human cultures from 1500 to the present day.



This theme is offered through students’ major programs of study and builds upon the knowledge and skills students have developed during their first two (2) years. This theme and approach enhance students’ ability to deal with the complex problems and issues they confront in their upper-level major 课程s. 每一个 学术 program requires its majors to enroll in a 课程 where students and faculty engage in informed critical and 创造性思维 about problems confronting their discipline. 立足于思考过程和问题, 学生研究并找出问题的原因, 生成并评估可能的解决方案, 然后决定一个行动计划.



这个主题的重点是培养学生在世界上有所作为, 他们的社区, 以及他们的职业. 学生 enroll in an interdisciplinary seminar and participate in community service and 公民 activity. 在这个研讨会上, 学生讨论个人, 专业, and public responsibilities as they anticipate and share their concerns for the world they are about to enter. The seminar challenges students to understand the balance between making a living and making a life. Activities provide the opportunity to weave together various threads of the Core and the major.


在第三和第四年的学习中,学生选择两(2) 高级研究 主修领域以外的课程和基于他们的兴趣. 主要领域被广泛地定义为自然科学, 数学, 社会科学, 人文学科, 专业项目, 以及跨学科项目. 高级研究 课程探讨方法论, 理论, 和/或文理学院学科内重要的概念.

在他们的学术生涯的某个时候,所有的学生都参加了一个 创意艺术体验 (CAE) by taking a specifically designated CAE 课程 or by completing an independent project. This requirement emphasizes the value of students’ creative spirits and uncovers gifts that will sustain students throughout their lives.


学生 in the 文理学院 will prepare for twenty-first-century challenges by acquiring and demonstrating a variety of separate but interrelated concepts and skills.


学生 will acquire and demonstrate knowledge of and skills in disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives and methodologies in all of the following areas: 人文学科, 社会科学, 自然科学, 和数学.


学生 will demonstrate their ability to engage in multiple modes of scholarly inquiry including 批判性思维, 创造性思维, 决策和解决问题, 定量推理.


学生 will demonstrate proficiency in expressing original thought through different avenues including oral, 写, 图形, 还有符号交流, 艺术表现.


学生 will show evidence of a greater understanding of their place in the world and their responsibilities by demonstrating these proficiencies at multiple levels, 包括个人和人际关系, 学术, 公民, 和环境.


ENV 100/101 or ENV 104 -环境问题入门 or ENV 105 - GLC:环境问题介绍3
英语写作或同等学历 or eng122和SAS 011和eng123 (7 cr).)4
人类传统I*:史前至1500年(3学分.)和ARH 276, ENG 276, HIS 276, PHI 276, PSC 276 or REL 2763
人类传统II*: 1500年至今(3世纪.)和ARH 278, ENG 278, HIS 278, PHI 278, PSC 278 or REL 2783
CIT 400 -公民讲座(1小时.) or CIT 420 -全球公民(1学分.)1

**To fulfill the advanced studies requirement the ADV 课程s must have a prefix that is different from the prefix of 课程s that are used by the student to satisfy two (2) or more 200-, 300- or 400级课程要求. 学生 who double major or who pursue a dual degree may take any ADV 课程 to fulfill their core curriculum requirement. 学生 who major and minor may select their ADV 课程s that overlap with their minor program requirements if they so choose.


核心课程强调主动、合作和体验式学习. 它挑战学生将知识从一个学术领域转移到另一个学术领域, 欣赏同一主题的不同学科观点, 并整合他们所学到的知识来构建自己的知识. 核心课程培养有效的口头和书面沟通, 定量推理, 批判性思维, 决策, 以及解决问题的能力, 以及多样性的问题. 课程在核心课程中提供了一套相互交织和强化的经验, 符合专业或专业要求, 在特别的校园活动中, 总的来说,大学生活也是如此. The faculty at the University of New England believes that our Core Curriculum is intrinsically valuable and that it helps us to influence our graduates to be better citizens and to be well equipped to contribute to society.

A more thorough description of the Core is available through the 文理学院 Dean's Office.


A student who double majors or pursues a dual degree may count any relevant core attribute toward both the core and the major/minor. 如果学生已经完成了初级学位的核心要求 or 完成第二学位的核心要求, 那么该学生就满足了核心要求.

核心属性是环境研究, 数学, 英语作文, 实验室科学, 创意艺术体验, 探索, 社会及全球意识, 人类的传统, 公民身份, 及进修. 所有 programs of study (majors/minors) fall into one (1) of the following areas: 人文学科, 自然科学, 专业项目, 社会科学, 跨学科的项目, 或数学.


本目录概述了学术课程, 度标准, 政策, and events of the University of New England for the 2024–2025 学术 year and serves as the official guide for 学术 and program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

十大网络彩票平台大全保留修改课程的权利, 日历, 或认为必要或有益的课程表. 这包括对课程内容的修改, 类重新安排, 取消, 或任何其他学术调整. 变更将尽可能及时地进行沟通.

而学生可能会得到学术顾问或项目主任的指导, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year and for staying informed about any updates to 政策, 规定, 或需求.