

Evaluation provides a systematic process to document the impact of programmatic work, identifies needs for quality improvement, and maximizes intervention outcomes.

CEPH provides comprehensive evaluation services, 我们的工作人员熟练使用各种方法进行评估, 分享经验教训, and contribute to best practice models. Our evaluation projects are funded by federal agencies, 国家机构, 私人基金会, and community organizations.

Group shot of U N E students on a trip

Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice

CEPH has been conducting process and outcome evaluation studies for Center to Advance Interprofessional Education 自2014年以来. Key activities include:

  • 威斯布鲁克卫生专业学院卫生专业学生年度调查, College of 口腔医学, and College of 整骨疗法的医学.
  • Evaluation of the Interprofessional Team Immersion Program
  • Evaluation of Parallel Processes Case-Based Learning
  • UNE认证社区行为健康诊所卫生专业毕业生5年影响研究

CEPH与缅因州的两家认证社区行为健康诊所(CCBHC)合作, Community 健康 and Counseling Services and Sweetser, to evaluate the expansion of behavioral health services. 这些试点项目的结果将有助于在缅因州更广泛地采用认证社区行为健康诊所模式.


Substance Abuse and Mental 健康 Services Administration


February 2021–January 2023

Chronic Disease Evaluation Services

CEPH的专业人员为联邦资助的项目1815——通过预防和管理糖尿病、心脏病和中风改善美国人的健康——提供评估服务. 该团队收集和分析数据,以跟踪缅因州各地干预措施和活动的进展情况,并评估实施对提供者和患者健康结果的影响. Evaluation reports focus on identifying challenges, 强调结果, identifying challenges, and providing continuous quality improvement for the Maine CDC's CDPCP.


  • 改善获得和参与与糖尿病预防和管理有关的循证规划的机会, 高血压, 和心血管疾病,包括国家糖尿病预防计划(National DPP), Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES), and Self-Measured Blood Pressure programs.
  • 协助卫生系统实施循证系统,以改善患者护理,包括双向电子转诊系统和以团队为基础的护理.
  • Promote the adoption and utilization of electronic health records, health information technology, and clinical quality measures (i.e.(国家质量论坛)报告,以改善病人护理和监测健康差距.
  • 扩大公共和私营保健计划对国家民产计划的覆盖范围,并加强合格的保健计划受益人利用私营企业和中小企业作为一项涵盖福利.

For highlights of program impact and results, view the infographics and reports on the Maine CDC website.


Maine Center for Disease and Control and Prevention and Control Program (CDPCP)


November 2018–September 2023

的 Maine Advanced Nursing Education Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Program

缅因州高级护理教育性侵犯护士审查员计划(缅因州ANE SANE计划)是缅因州儿童和家庭服务办公室的护理部门和性侵犯法医审查员(SAFE)计划的合作努力, Maine Department of 健康 and Human Services. 这种独特的公私合作将加强该州现有的创新SANE培训计划,通过模拟和教学培训增加其覆盖面和影响 ECHO (Extension for Community 健康care Outcomes), 一个基于技术的项目,允许医疗专家与偏远农村地区的当地从业者分享知识. 该方案将特别针对这些地区和这些人口的SANE培训. CEPH的专业人员将提供评估服务和技术援助,以确保SANE培训如期进行,并达到计划的学习目标.


Bureau of 健康 Workforce, 健康 Resources, and Services Administration


September 2018–June 2022

Minority 健康 Evaluation Services

CEPH专业人员为缅因州疾病预防控制中心的联邦资助项目提供评估服务,该项目旨在减少在获得糖尿病和艾滋病毒健康和社会服务方面的差距. Working collaboratively with the Maine CDC, community-based organizations, 还有临床合作伙伴, 评估小组将衡量糖尿病自我管理教育和支持(DSMES)服务和艾滋病毒护理步骤模式的文化适应对减少健康差距的影响.


Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention


October 2020–September 2022


Project Alliance, Drug-Free Communities

Coastal 健康y Communities Coalition (CHCC) at UNE’s College of 整骨疗法的医学 获得了联邦药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局的无毒社区资助. 项目联盟的目标是在北约克县的九个城镇预防和减少青少年的药物使用. CHCC contracts with the CEPH for program evaluation services, including quantitative and qualitative data collection, 分析与显示, and environmental scanning.


Office of National Drug Control Policy


October 2015–December 2020

Providers Clinical Support System – Universities (PCSS-U)

该项目的目标是增加在缅因州受过教育的骨科医生和医师助理的数量,他们为阿片类药物使用障碍(OUD)患者提供药物辅助治疗(MAT). 这将通过为骨科医学院(COM)和医师助理(PA)学生在临床前几年提供OUD和MAT培训来实现, 确保缅因州的临床教师具有提供MAT的经验,学生可以在他们的临床年接受培训, 并评估这些组成部分,以修改UNE COM和PA的OUD和MAT课程.


Substance Abuse and Mental 健康 Services Administration


October 2019–September 2022